청빙 게시판


탬파 새빛교회에서 Youth 담당 전도사, 또는 EM 전담 목회자를 청빙합니다

김섭리 목사 0 592 01.08 17:03
탬파 새빛교회에서 Youth 담당 전도사, 또는 EM 전담 목회자를 청빙합니다

플로리다 탬파에 위치한 남침례교 소속 탬파새빛교회에서는 Youth 또는 English Ministry를 전담하실 수 있는 Part-time 또는 Half-time 목회자를 청빙합니다.
New Light Church of Tampa is seeking a part-time or half-time pastor to serve as either a Youth Pastor or an English Ministry Pastor. Responsibilities include preaching and providing care for the youth and/or the entire English Ministry.

1) Sunday youth worship leading and preaching
2) Friday Bible study and activities
3) Oversee the education programs (bible studies, seminars, retreats, & special events)
4) Participate in minister’s meeting
5) Communication with parents (PTA meeting)
6) Possibility to operate a tutor, music school, after school, etc. during the week. (compensation will be readjusted)

1) A clear calling and passion for pastoral ministry for children and/or youth
2) Ability to teach and preach the gospel of the kingdom of God and biblical theology
3) Humble, heart for children and/or Youth
4) Bilingual ability and ministry experience preferred
5) Degree from Southern Baptist seminary preferred
6) Legal status as a permanent resident or citizen, preferred

Part-time: 24k, Half-time: up to 60k
* Compensation may vary depending on the scope of ministry responsibilities and the time commitment required for a part-time versus half-time role.

Application requirements
1) Resume (with family picture)
2) Personal testimony (conversion experience)
3) Personal statement for calling (including vision)
4) 2 recommendation letters
5) 2 sermons (Youtube or online link is preferable)
6) Submitted documents will not be returned.

탬파새빛교회 New Light Church of Tampa
6018 N Highland Ave. Tampa, FL 33604


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