청빙 게시판


[ID] part time Education Pastor (파트타임 교육부 전도사님, 혹은 목사님 모십니다)

김철 0 4,570 2021.08.21 15:48
Boise Korean Baptist Church in Boise, Idaho, is looking for a part time Education Pastor.

1) Leading the education department (preschool~12th grade).
2) Sunday : Preaching and leading small groups for youth group.
3) Plan and execute special yearly ministry events (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, VBS and other ministry programs and events);
  prepare budget and curriculum.
4) Provide pastoral care for children, youth, parents, and volunteer teachers.

1) Currently seminary student (M. Div. or graduated).
2) Must be eligible to work in the U.S.
3) Must have a heart for the next generation.

1) Resume
2) A recent photo of you (and your family if you wish)
3) Personal Testimony
4) One recent sermons (video/audio files or links)

 - with 2 months probation period ($ 1,200.00 / month)
 - after $ 1,500.00 / month

Please submit all applications to: acts74@gmail.com

6531 W. Ustick Rd Boise, ID 83704



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