청빙 게시판


북가주 코너스톤 커뮤니티 교회 유스 사역자 (Part-Time) 청빙 공고

Part-Time Youth Pastor Job Description
Cornerstone Community Church, Redwood City, CA

Cornerstone Community Church is a Korean-American church located in Redwood City, CA. We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention that welcomes Christ followers from all walks of life. Our mission is to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ in the SF Bay Area.

Job Summary:
Cornerstone Community Church is prayerfully seeking a part-time (approximately 16 hours/week, primarily on Saturdays and Sundays) youth pastor who will be responsible for providing ministerial and spiritual leadership for the youth at Cornerstone Community Church. The Youth Pastor will also collaborate with and support the pastoral staff and other ministries. Reports to Senior Pastor.

Roles & Responsibilities:
The Youth Pastor will lead youth discipleship efforts through the creation and support of Jesus-centered, growth-oriented ministries.
1. Make every effort to LOVE each and every youth!
2. Spend time developing relationships with the youth through activities, Sunday preaching, Bible studies/discussions, retreats, and praise nights.
3. Recruit, coordinate, equip, and support adult volunteers to serve as youth teachers and youth director.
4. Support, collaborate, and partner with youth parents to ensure that the parents are committed to living a God-centered lives in their homes.
5. Attend the Sunday adult worship service, as well as the weekly pastoral staff meetings and other one-on-ones with the Senior Pastor.
6. Willingness to do what is possible to help the ministry of the entire church.
7. Willingness to submit to requests by the Senior Pastor, parents, and even youth, when it does not contradict biblical guidelines.

1. Someone who is a born-again Christ-disciple with daily relationship with Jesus through daily quiet time.
2. Someone who received God’s calling as a youth pastor and has been seminary trained, or is currently under training.
3. Someone who supports and upholds the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
4. Humble leader who is ‘poor in spirit’ and relies on God for each part of his/her ministry.
5. Strong interpersonal skills with youth and their parents.
6. A self-starter who can manage the creation, planning, and implementation of youth ministries.
7. A team player who is supportive of all ministries of the church.
8. Are familiar and comfortable in Korean cultural settings.
9. Model the behavior of a high ethical, Christian standard in personal life, including but not limited to social media sites, informal gatherings outside of church, and in interpersonal relationships. No alcohol or tobacco use and observe biblical tithing.

Pluses (& not required):
1. Experienced in working with children or youth and in developing a well rounded ministry program
2. A husband-and-wife team, called to minister to youth in service together.
3. Speaking and writing Korean.

How to apply:
Submit following documents to youthpastorsearch@cccpaloalto.org with the subject as “Youth Pastor Application - [Your Name]”

• A ministry calling statement that demonstrates a deep sense of God’s calling and commission to the youth ministry
• A personal testimony on your saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
• Resume
• Certificate of Seminary graduation, or the certification of Seminary enrollment.
• Two letters of recommendation from pastors.

For questions, please email: youthpastorsearch@cccpaloalto.org


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