청빙 게시판


Looking for a full time associate pastor

관리자3 0 8,770 2015.04.07 14:04
Looking for a full time associate pastor
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 글쓴이 : 이용구       
icon_view.gif 조회 : 6  

Bansuk Korean Baptist Church is looking for a full time associate minister. Please submit your resume by 26th of April if you are interested. The salery will be around 2500 dollars. We need someone who can cover both Korean speaking and English speaking members.

Our address is 2219 Brownlee Rd. Bossier City, Louisiana 71111
Your resume will be destroyed after we reviewed.

연락처 : 318-752-3350(Cell)




이용구 15-04-07 08:43 답변 수정 삭제  
Bansuk Korean Baptist Church is looking for a full time associate minister. Please submit your resume by 26th of April if you are interested. The salery will be around 2500 dollars. We need someone who can cover both Korean speaking and English speaking members.

Our address is 2219 Brownlee Rd. Bossier City, Louisiana 71111
Your resume will be destroyed after we reviewed.


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