청빙 게시판


Education Pastor, San Antonio KBC (교육 목사 청빙, 샌안토니오 한인침례교회)

이윤영 목사 0 4,857 2021.06.11 18:17
We are searching for an Education Pastor (Full time) who will lead the next generations of the church.
Our church (SA Korean Baptist Church) is located in San Antonio, TX.

Compensation is $36,000~$60,000 (annual) based upon the size of the household. Bilingual is preferred.
If you are interested in the position, please find these steps to apply for the position

(1) Please send your resume, testimony on your calling, copy of your theological education certificate, recent two sermon videos, and recommendations from two pastors.
Please send the documents via email (sakbc1@gmail.com)

(2) You will have an interview with the senior pastor after the submitted documents are reviewed.

(3) You will visit the church, meet the church members, and preach two sermons if both the church and you want to meet one another.

(4) Then the church will make a final decision.

If you have any question about the position, feel free to contact pastor David Yi at sakbc1@gmail.com.


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