Ministries in the Reservation

관리자3 0 13,767 2016.01.20 09:02

Jan 2016

Rev. (James) Young Lee (M.Div., MSTOM, Lic.Acu.)

a Korean Missionary in the Reservation (SBC ordained pastor) 

a member of the First Southern Baptist Church in Tuba City

President of Christian Life Ministry (Tuba City, Az)

1983-2012 in NJ, NY- Bible college & Seminary, local churches, youth ministries, social work, hospital chaplain, OM healing ministry

05/2012-07/2013 in Flagstaff, AZ, commuting to Tuba City

07/2013-current in Tuba City, AZ


Christian Life Ministry

(Arizona State Registered Non-Profit Organization. Nov. 2014)

Regular Ministries

        Local Churches Visiting

        Preaching/Bible Study

       Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine Services

       Short-Term Mission Coordination


Children/Youth Ministries

       Praise/Bible Study Multimedia Materials Supply

       Equipment (Computer/TV) Support

       Camp Meeting Support

      Age-Appropriate Bibles Supply

      The Timothy Project (TTP) 

Church Leader Supporting Ministries

Publication on Biblical/Theological/Practical Issues (a Voice in the Wilderness, May 2014)

*Resources/Materials Supply

*Continuing Education

*Ministry Support (Finance)

*Co-Working (*Italic to be done)


The Timothy Project (TTP)

2 Timothy 1:5, I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

Home Schooling of Christian Faith:  

We teach our faith to our children in our homes.


Deuteronomy 6:6-9

These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.


This project is not to replace whatever you do in your home, church, or Christian School.

We should be working together for the same purpose on the same way.

This project has no time schedule for when we start and end.

We begin as soon as possible and continue until the Lord comes back.

We do not mind how big or small our effort is, or how long it takes.

We just do it. (the Reservation is the Land of Action!!)



So that our children will be confident in our faith to go to the world on their own.

Proverbs 22:6

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.)



We- I, you, & everybody will device curriculum & materials, minister & manage

We Inspire, Prepare, Provide, & Commission.

Teach at home, church, retreat, camp meeting, VBS, & whatever, whenever



Here is a list of what we'd like to teach our children from kindergarteners to 12th graders.

This curriculum will be administrated according to their age, degree of maturity, or entrance into the faith community.

Reading the Bible Stories daily

Bible Songs & Memory Verses

List of 66 Books of the Bible

The Lord's Prayer

The Ten Commandments

Principles of the Gospel- Perfect Creation, Sin and Separation, Faith and Salvation, New Life in Christ, Growth and Maturity to the Glory of God.

Biblical Model of Family



Finance Management: Stewardship

Friendship, and Person to Person Relationship

Work and Study Ethics

Sharing the Blessings in the Lord Jesus with other people

Virginity, Sexuality, and Marriage

Political Systems

World Religions

Truth & False of Creation versus Evolution

and many more topics in between or after, so you may contribute your ideas for what we must teach our children.


First People Youth Academy

What it is

A Martial Arts Based After-School Tutorial Program in Tuba City, Navajo Nation (AZ)-  

(East side of Dine College on the corner of Edgewater Dr. and Peshlakai Ave.)

It will be a non-profit supportive educational institution.


The Current

The Land Lease is completed as of December 2015.

Three years will be given to develop the sight.

The initial lease is twenty-five years and two more twenty-five years renewal are available.


There will be following programs and services on Mon-Sat.

Martial Arts Classes for grade schoolers and adults.

Homework Assistance

Abacus for Math

Speed/Critical Reading for English


Navajo Language Class

Korean Language for future opportunities to study in Korea

Seasonal Intensive Tutoring Ministries

Other Educational/Recreational Programs

Exercise Programs for Adult

Seminars for the community members



The Goals are

TO PROTECT young people from bad influences,

TO PREPARE them physically, mentally, and academically for higher education in colleges/universities,

TO PROPEL young leaders for the next generations so that they will live better lives not only for themselves, but also for the better life in the Reservation.




번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
142 VA 버지니아지방회: 2018년 회장단 명단 (2018/03/28 수정) 권이석 2017.10.25 13881
141 NY 미남침례회 뉴욕한인지방회 제34회 정기총회 CKSB 2017.09.20 14644
140 MD 오는 토요일 (9/16일) 벧엘교회에서 오전 11시에 추모예배 CKSB 2017.09.14 13421
139 IL-WI 일리노이 협의회 임원회의 송인술 2017.08.28 13412
138 AL 알라바마 지방회 참사랑 창립7주년감사예배 및 권사임직 댓글+2 문창옥 2017.08.18 15047
137 CAN 밴쿠버 지방회 가족 수양회 2017 강승수 2017.08.15 19256
136 WA-OR 서북미 한인침례교회 협의회 사모회 주최 창조과학 탐사여행 가져 김태윤 2017.05.29 15217
135 HI 하와이 안디옥침례교회 담임목사 취임예배 댓글+1 박순길 2017.05.13 14619
134 VA 2016-7 임원단 댓글+1 엄주성 2017.02.06 14487
133 FL 2017 평신도 지도자 세미나 한복만 2017.02.01 15834
132 NY 에벤에셀선교교회, 목사와 집사 안수 및 권사 임직예배 CKSB 2016.12.16 16372
131 NY 뉴욕안디옥침례교회, 한필상 3대 담임목사 취임예배 관리자3 2016.12.16 15981
130 FL 플로리다 한인 침례교회 협의회 32차 총회 댓글+1 한복만 2016.11.25 22300
129 NY 뉴욕 이선일 목사님이 주님 앞으로 가시는 중 관리자3 2016.10.15 15723
128 MD 메릴랜드/델라웨어 한인침례교회 협의회 제 8차 총회 CKSB 2016.10.12 18019
127 MD MD/VA 연합 목회자 가족 여름 수양회 조준 2016.09.25 15546
126 HI 하와이지방회 목회자 이동 댓글+3 박순길 2016.09.15 15374
125 HI 교회 합병 박순길 2016.09.15 15287
124 HI 2017년 하와이지방회 임원선출 박순길 2016.09.15 14810
123 GA 사바나 한인 침례교회 창립기념 예배 및 담임목사(김흥직 목사) 취임 김흥직 2016.09.06 17461
122 TXs 텍사스남침례회한인교회협의회(KBFT)제35차 총회 성료 관리자3 2016.08.28 15853
121 TN 멤피스한인침례교회임직식 지준오 2016.08.19 15827
120 문학진, 대정부질문 asdf 2016.08.09 10728
119 공지 MD/VA 연합 목회자 가족 여름 수련회 CKSB 2016.08.09 16724
118 IN-KY-MI-CH 창립40주년 기념 부흥회 루이빌제일한인침례교회 관리자3 2016.08.05 15645
117 FL 30주년 기념 예배 관리자3 2016.07.25 14905
116 VA 30주년 기념 예배 관리자3 2016.07.25 14245
115 GA 취임 예배 조용수 목사 관리자3 2016.07.25 15067
114 IN-KY-MI-CH 취임예배 이필순 목사 관리자3 2016.07.25 14349
113 FL 2016 플로리다 목회자 가족 수양회 한복만 2016.06.29 17173
112 GA 김대성전도사 목사 안수식 관리자2 2016.06.02 16237
111 MD 워신톤한인침례교회 창립 60 주년 감사예배 CKSB 2016.04.25 14076
110 HI 하와이아가페선교침례교회 부흥회 장세현 2016.04.16 16760
109 FL 멜본 중앙 침례교회 김성규 목사님 취임 한복만 2016.04.11 18749
108 MD 워싱톤 한인침례교회가 미주지역 최초로 창립 60주년을 ... 댓글+1 CKSB 2016.04.09 17495
107 WA-OR 서북미지역 목회자 성경읽기 모임 이루어져 김태윤 2016.03.18 14848
106 WA-OR 제 35 차 총회 시애틀 타코마 지역의 홍보 동영상 김정오목사 2016.03.18 15284
105 FL 오칼라 한인 침례교회 정양호 목사님 취임 예배 댓글+2 한복만 2016.02.18 19930
104 FL 2016 플로리다 평신도 지도자 세미나 한복만 2016.01.28 17563
103 FL 데이토나 인터네셔날 쳐치 한복만 2016.01.28 15129
102 VA 버지니아지방회 - 2015 정기총회 2015/09/21 @ 리버뷰침례교회(장호열목사) 권이석 2016.01.20 18907
101 VA 버지니아지방회 - 은퇴목사 위로 모임 2015/12/22 @ 윌리엄스버그 & 페어팩스 권이석 2016.01.20 17195
100 VA 버지니아지방회 - 11월 월례회 및 목회세미나 2015/11/29 @ 예루살렘침례교회(조용회목사) 권이석 2016.01.20 18622
99 VA 버지니아지방회 - 젊은 목회자 격려 모임 2015/12/27 @ 한미침례교회(문동순목사) 권이석 2016.01.20 18338
98 VA MD/DE/VA 지방회 연합 신년하례모임 2016/01/18 @ 우리교회(양승원목사) 권이석 2016.01.20 16215
97 NJ 미국 원주민 선교소식 (2015/12) 관리자3 2016.01.20 14200
열람중 NJ Ministries in the Reservation 관리자3 2016.01.20 13768
95 NY 미 남침례회 뉴욕한인 지방회 신년 월례회 CKSB 2016.01.13 15868
94 NY 뉴욕/뉴저지 침례교지방회 성탄축하 및 송년 감사예배 관리자3 2015.12.21 17714
93 IN-KY-MI-CH 중동북부 10월 지방회. 2016년 신임원단 선출 관리자3 2015.12.20 16782