

Why pastors leave; Mandate case 'pivitol' for religious freedom

CKSB 0 7,796 2016.01.13 11:01

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From: Baptist Press Mailing List <bpress@sbc.net>
Date: January 12, 2016 at 4:15:29 PM EST
To: paulkim.cpm@gmail.com
Subject: Study: Why pastors leave; Mandate case 'pivitol' for religious freedom

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January 12, 2016 - Tuesday

Study: Lack of support reason pastors leave pastorate

No sabbatical. No help with counseling. No clear picture of what's expected. In a new study, hundreds of former senior pastors say these were the crucial elements missing from the final churches they led before quitting the pastorate, according to a LifeWay Research study.

SBC entities: Mandate violates religious liberty

The Obama administration's abortion/contraception mandate forces Christians to violate either their religious beliefs or the government's rules, Southern Baptist entities have told the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ind. religious liberty 'exclusion' challenged

If traditional marriage proponents get their way, 2016 could be the year Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) "fix" is overturned and the state reaffirms, among other freedoms, the right of business owners not to participate in same-sex weddings if doing so violates their religious convictions.

Bill Self dies; was '79 SBC president nominee

Bill Self, an Atlanta pastor who was one of several nominees when the late Adrian Rogers was elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention, died Jan. 9 of complications from ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease.

102-year-old returns to pastorates before 'glory'

Florida pastor Oliver Everett (O.E.) Boals, 102, is revisiting the churches he led before going on to "glory."

FROM THE STATES: Ariz., Mich., N.C. evangelism/missions news; 'It became a burden that could not be ignored'

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