

ezrabae 0 2,027 2023.06.07 09:44


The greatest problem facing humankind is not a natural disaster, a humanitarian crisis, or political instability. The greatest problem in the world is lostness. 59% of the world’s population has little to no access to the gospel. The best way we make Jesus known among the nations? Together.

Together for the Nations is a unique one-day event where you can explore how you and your church can help reach the nations with the gospel by beginning or growing a partnership with the International Mission Board. Through this event you will:

  • Connect with IMB missionaries and leaders
  • Discover ways to deepen your church’s involvement in international missions
  • Network with other missions leaders and advocates from churches in your area
  • Leave with practical next steps and connections

Together for the Nations
Saturday, August 26, 2023
South Reno Baptist Church
Reno, NV
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

$15 — includes event materials and lunch


번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
184 IMB 선교소식 함께, 열방을 향해 ezrabae 2022.10.28 1913
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