청빙 게시판


<수정됨>Part-Time Youth 사역자를 모십니다.

김문성 0 8,736 2017.06.17 05:56

조지아 아틀란타 근교의 로렌스빌에 위치한 한비전교회입니다.

본 교회에서 Part-Time Youth 사역자를 모십니다.

대상은 한인 1.5로 영어와 한국어를 구사하는 분으로 M-Div재학중이거나 졸업하신 분으로 청소년 사역에 비전을 가지신 분을 대상으로 합니다.

사역은 금요일 저녁 Youth 그룹 모임 인도와 주일 EM과 Youth가 함께 드리는예배에서 EM을 전체 담당하시는 EM목사님과 함께 하는 협력 사역입니다.

연락은 678-983-3697 (Pastor Joe Song) 로 해주시기 바랍니다.

Youth Pastor’s Job Description/Expectations
–Born again Christian who feels called by God to serve in ministry.
–Genuine love and passion for youth students.
–organizational and leadership skills.
-Ability to teach, communicate, and model gospel truths and values.
–Ability to build a fun and engaging youth group culture.
Part time: $1,500 monthly
**Hourly Requirements (20 hours a week)**
- Prepare youth night services and events (5 hours)
-Attend and oversee Friday night youth gathering (4 hours)
- Attend scheduled staff meetings (2 hours)
- Participate in the leading of Sunday services, providing preaching once a month. (7 hours)
- Weekly pastoral care visits. (2-4 hours)
- Intentionally engage with youth students before and after church services and events.
- Establish a friendly rapport with and among the students through a variety of fun, and purposeful activities.
- Encourage unengaged students to get involved in ministry and provide them frequent opportunities to do so.
- Provide students with clear ways to obtain spiritual guidance and counseling.
- Provide ongoing opportunities for students to hear and accept the gospel and opportunities for discipleship.
- Maintain regular communication with youth parents. (PTA meetings, kakao message updates...)
- Recruit, train and oversee volunteer youth teachers or student leaders.
- expected to arrive on location at least 1 hour prior to any service/event they are responsible for.
- Two annual youth retreats.
- One mission/service trips.


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