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Things to Prepare for "A2CP2 Leadership Network Co

관리자3 0 8,457 2015.07.23 02:11

Dear Leaders, 

Some of you wanted to know more about this new conference for "A2CP2" Leadership Network Conference. A2 means for Asian American & CP2 means for Church Planting/Cooperative Program among Asian American churches to assist the State Convention, local Association, Asian pastors & their lay people, especially next generation leaders. 
As a new Asian American Relations Consultant, Executive Committee, SBC, I want to assist your current ministries among Asian American churches in your State, Association, churches in partnership for the cause of missions, church planting, cooperative program. I contact your State Convention staff first for his agreement to sponsor the conference. 
We are in team ministry in partnership for Asian American churches and pastors in the SBC. 
If you have any questions, please contact me directly. 
Things to Prepare for "A2CP2 Leadership Network Conference" -by  church or Association office 
1. Friday - Asian Pastors' Fellowship from 10:00 am -noon (host church)
a) Worship -30 minutes
b) Sharing & Questions/Answers on SBC Life - 1 1/2 hours 
c) Lunch fellowship -Provided by the church or pastors' fellowship 

2. Saturday from 9 am -4 pm - Conference for laypeople, especially for next generation Asian American college students & young adults 
a) Registration fee - $20 for refreshment & lunch 
b) Worship - a song leader (guitar, piano, keyboard)
c) PowerPoint projector & speaker
d) Ushers (3) & computer person (1)
e) 3 guest speakers on the program - Local church members who are respected Asian American Christian professionals in medical doctor, lawyer, professor, engineer, or CEO to share their testimony of faith & vocation to their profession 

1. Each guest speaker is the mobilizer to invite their young people to the conference
2. Both church, Association office, and State paper to announce the conference in one month in advance 
3. $200 in honorarium for each guest speaker (50 minutes) from the State Convention 

Building Up A2CP2 Together,

Asian American Relations Consultant 
Executive Committee, SBC



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