
MD/VA- A2CP2 Leadership Network Conference

관리자3 0 8,687 2015.08.10 11:54
Good morning Editor Iris, 

I have received your BCMD Journals on the regular base since we have planted our church in your State Baptist Convention in 2001. Pastor Peter Lee of Worthy Life Baptist Church (formerly known as BBC) is the founding pastor since the beginning. 

I am going to lead a conference for Asian Baptist pastors on Friday, 8/28 and laypeople for next generation in professions the next day, 8/29 program below. I work with each State Baptist Convention as the Asian American Relations Consultant of Executive Committee, SBC. 

I request you to visit our Saturday conference for BaptistLife story. Then, you can send the article to BP for SBC. It is the first conference which I lead from our national Capitol to across our land how important it is for Asian American Baptists can work within the SBC! 

It is to begin from BCMD to make a movement in the SBC to promote CP from future leaders among Asian American community. 

Would you please come to our conference on 8/29? You can learn more about this upcoming first ever Asian American (A2) Church Planting/Cooperative Program (CP2) Leadership Network Conference from Dr. Robert Kim on your staff. 

I copy it to our four speakers and Asian American leaders/pastors as well. 
MD/VA- A2CP2 Leadership Network Conference 

Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 
Place: Global Mission Church, Silver Spring, MD
Cost: $20 for Refreshments & Lunch
Sponsor: BCMD Baptist Convention 

Order of Program:

Presider: Dr. Paul Kim, Asian American Relations Consultant, Executive Committee, SBC

9:00 am - Registration & Fellowship
9:30 -10:00 am - Welcome & Praise & Prayer
10:00 -10:50 am - Message & SBC Life by Dr. Paul Kim 
11:00 -11:50 am - Joon Yim, MD
Noon - Lunch 
1:00 -1:50 pm - David Tan, Ph.D
2:00 -2:50 pm - Chaplain (LTC) Felix Sermon, U.S.Army 
3:00 -3:50 pm - Panel Discussion w/speakers plus Rev. Armando Dela Merced and Chaplain (0-5) Felix Sermon & Q/A 
4:00 pm - Closing Prayer 

Building Up A2CP2 Together,

Asian American Relations Consultant 
Executive Committee, SBC



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