청빙 게시판


[CA] Seeking for a Full-Time EM Pastor (Sacramento Korean Baptist Chur…

정수갑 0 1,525 2024.03.19 14:54
Sacramento Korean Baptist Church was established in June 1976. Located in 6900 Fair Oaks California 95628. It is part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and Baptist Association of Northern California. SKBC is now searching for an English Ministry Pastor to preach God's Word to the English congregation. SKBC is with Korean Ministry, English Ministry, and Youth Ministry and Children Ministry. Our goal as a church is to make the name of Jesus known through the faithful preaching of His Word, the bold witness and testimony of those who’ve experienced the transformative power of the Gospel, and enthusiastic God-centered worship.
1. Qualifications
• Be ordained under the Southern Baptist Convention (Preferred)
• Bilingual ability (Preferred)
• Heart for evangelism / Outreach
      2.  Application Requirements
• Resume
• Theological seminary Diploma
• Personal Testimony / Statement of faith
• Proof of Eligible to work in the US (U.S Citizen or Green Card)
• Recommendation Letter. (From former or currently attending pastor)
      3.  Ministry Responsibilities
• Preaching for EM Adult Worship services
• Leading Discipleship Training of the members
• Plan and coordinate EM yearly events.
• Weekly Bible study and EM activity and planning
• In Charge of English ministry.
• Outreach community
      4.  Compensation
• Health and retirement plan available
• Moving expenses up to $7,000
        5.  Opening date 03-15-2024 Close date 04-15-2024
      6.  Contact information

• Please send your resume to  skbcministry@gmail.com 
• POC: Jae Rah 917-596-9637, Jeff Woo 916-402-3422


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